An Open Letter to High School Students

this is a letter intended for high school students everywhere. Maybe this applies to you and maybe not. Maybe you read it and think back to your high school days and realize, “that was so me.” Maybe not. Either way, read this with an open mind, an open heart, and minimal eye rolling please. Because I’m telling you the secrets behind me being a highschool student; all the deep dark truths behind my methods and strictness that you might not realize. I’m speaking to you frankly because I know you’re equipped to take a real assessment of yourself after being confronted from a place of care.
In fact, school isn’t even your great challenge, can you believe it? Life is. You know, that “life” that exists beyond the brick walls of our school, the one that is going to throw you way more curve balls than the drama you immerse yourself in? There are more important issues that wait for you, far greater than feeling tempted to cut corners, cheat, or maybe even lie to turn in a 10 point homework assignment. There’s even life beyond the tears, breakups, and parties; I promise you that while high school is now your entire world, you will soon look back and believe that it was so small. That you were so young. That you were so small.
Don’t feel sad because you are different from others. Every unique skill and talent has the potential to make you a superstar. Embrace your personality and unchain your inner strength. Don’t forget – the one thing that all successful people have in common is that they were different than everyone around them. Think of every single bully who has made fun of you and humiliated you in front of all your friends. Use the image of their faces to motivate yourself to study hard and work harder. Think of how amazing it will be when twenty years down the line, you see them living in a trailer while you cruise past in your Bentley. So the end is near.. end of the second part of student life- highschool. cheers, to a new beginning. Surely you will be amazed with lots of surprises.


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